Rainfine use America satellite global image data and software to create the topographic map for farmer’s land .This topographic map can be used to calculate the charge head of the pump station, the pipe pressure of the water transfer system according to the water requirements of center pivot or later move system. No matter you are in Australia, Africa, or South America, this technology can help you to make a trail study and help you to make a clear picture of the investment and the budget plan. All these done for farmers are free of charge!

What you offer to us:
·Mark the water source and its type – well/river/ditch/others;
·Mark the edge of your field, tell us your crop and its water demand in mm/day;
·Mark the obstacles in your field – house/trees/telegraph pole/road/others.
Please send us the Google KML files。 We will finish the rest in the first time!

What we offer to you:
Topographic map
Topographic map by colour
3D view of farm
Irrigate shift arrangement
Irrigation equipment layout
Pipe network / fittings / valve design
Pump or pump station system

What we offer to you:
Electric / diesel power solution
Water system tested by computer
Technical report for irrigation equipments, pipe lines and pumps
Technical report for water hummer protection
Equipment list
Budget plan